We are inviting expressions of interest for two part time NHS Band 8a (or equivalent) positions at Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW):
These positions will provide an excellent to work at a national level on strategic initiatives closely linked to the new Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Specialist Community Public Health Nurse and Community Nursing Specialist Practice Qualifications Standards. All educational programmes within these fields of practice are required to meet the new NMC standards from September 2024. In preparation for this, we are looking to appoint two programme managers to work in partnership with key stakeholders to develop All Wales Practice Assessment documents, which ensure compliance with the new NMC standards and provide consistency across Wales.
We are particularly keen to hear from specialist community public health nurses and community nurses who hold a Specialist Practice Qualification, currently working in a university or practice setting with a track record of engagement and project management experience.
There will be an expectation for the appointed Programme Managers to work in partnership with each other, utilising shared learning and ensure alignment of Practice Assessment Documents where relevant.
The successful candidates will work on a secondment basis from their existing roles for twelve months (22.5 hours a week per role). We are happy to consider flexible working arrangements to meet individual needs. Applications are invited from across Wales.
Funding from HEIW will support backfill monies for individuals to be seconded from their substantive roles with the agreement of their organisational managers. Please ensure you have managerial support before you apply.
If interested, please ensure you clearly state which position you would like to be considered for alongside a brief expression of interest outlining your experience, skills and suitability for the role and submit via e-mail to emma.davies61@wales.nhs.uk by Saturday 28 January 2023.
For initial enquires and further details please contact Emma Davies (Professional Standards and Regulation Manager at Health Education and Improvement Wales) via email.