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Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP) Competency Framework

Step 1: Co-developing the framework

Advanced clinical practice (ACP) is delivered by experienced, registered healthcare practitioners and characterised by a high degree of autonomy and complex decision making. However, until now, there has been no attempt in Wales to define the competencies required to undertake advanced clinical practice within primary or community care.

HEIW in partnership with professionals from all health boards, has developed a Multi-Professional Advanced Clinical Practitioner’s Competency Framework for clinicians working in primary and community settings.

To ensure thorough contribution from a range of practitioners across Wales, we are giving you an opportunity to provide your views on the framework.

The feedback form closes on 20 July 2024.

The framework will allow ACPs to:

  • define the competencies required to work in primary and community care at an advanced level. The individual self-assesses their own competency against a series of domains and identifies the key competencies required within their scope of practice).
  • map their own education and training needs to maintain and extend their scope of practice, to the type of resources needed to achieve that competency
  • provide clear ‘scope of practice’ descriptors for each year of training, and planning their development, while being clear on their current scope of practice
  • detail the core clinical skills which sit behind each area of practice / indicative presentation


Step 2: embedding the Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP) Competency Framework in an e-portfolio tool on Y Ty Dysgu

Once this consultation is complete, and a final competency framework is agreed, the Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP) Competency Framework will be hosted on Y Ty Dysgu.

The e-portfolio will:

  • provide a way of the individual to record their current competency level as well as CPD undertaken
  • facilitate completion of appraisal, revaluation and annual PADR by holding information in one place.
In this section
Advanced Clinical Practitioners (ACP) Competency Framework
15 May 2024 - Primary and Community Care Stakeholder Event
Placements in primary care