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Challenge 7 - Practice-based Scenario

Welcome to Challenge 7. In this practice-based scenario, we are exploring language barriers and approaches that can be used to enable more effective communication, through the experience of a patient called Sion.

Complete this interactive practice-based scenario to listen to Sion’s story and answer the questions as you go.



Language choice may be a need rather than a preference for some patients. Care quality may be compromised by the failure to communicate with people in their chosen language and language barriers can pose a serious health risk. It is important for healthcare professionals to manage this risk appropriately to ensure that any information conveyed is accurate and understood by the patient.

Once you've completed the challenge, please take some time to reflect on your own practice and any learning needs identified. If you have identified any additional learning needs, or would like to further your learning, a signposting resource will be available at the end of the campaign which will provide links to additional reading and e-learning packages.

Whilst this scenario relates to community pharmacy, the learning can be applied across all sectors of practice.

For more information about Welsh Language in Primary Care, click here.