Welcome to Challenge 2. Please complete the following e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) modules within the Cultural Competence Programme. Each module should take around 20 minutes to complete.
Developing cultural competence requires an understanding of what is meant by ‘culture’, its impact on individuals’ health, values, beliefs, behaviours, and decision making, and why it is important that health professionals are aware of culture.
It also requires health professionals to develop an awareness of how to establish cultural competence within their practice and how their own prejudices, beliefs, values, and cultural roots can impact interactions and care provision to patients who are not from their own social and cultural group.
The e-LfH modules have a particular focus on communicating with patients. Once you have completed the modules, make a note of your key learning points and how you might implement this in your practice.
Is there anything that you may now consider when communicating with patients, family members, colleagues, or anyone else you meet?