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The healthcare science team in this area use their skills to develop methods of measuring what is happening in the body, devise new ways of diagnosing and treating disease and ensure that equipment is functioning safely and effectively.

They support, develop and apply physical techniques such as ultrasound, radioactivity, radiation, magnetic resonance, electromagnetism and optical imaging to explore or record the workings of the body for diagnosis, monitoring and treatment. Please see details of the career areas within clinical engineering and medical physics.

Most healthcare science staff working in clinical engineering and medical physics work in hospitals and specialist departments. Some will work with patients in their own homes.

Education and training

Students can study at 2 levels, the Practitioner Training Programme (PTP)  for undergraduates or the Scientist Training Programme (STP)  for graduates. Please click on the relevant link for further details.

PTP: students can study the following 3-year degree:

On successful completion of the degree, graduates will be eligible to apply for membership of the regulatory body, the Institute for Physics and Engineering in Medicine and practice as a medical physics technologist.

STP: Please see details of STP opportunities.

Useful links: