The Quality Management Framework (QMF) guides us in monitoring training, feedback and concerns.
The QMF describes:
Essentially the framework illustrates our accountability to the General Medical Council (GMC) as the regulator.
There are several ways to give feedback on your training including the annual GMC survey: end of placement feedback, feedback via trainee representatives to the specialty, or directly to your educational supervisor, training programme director or directly to the Quality Unit.
HEIW uses your feedback to triangulate evidence across specialties and training programmes to ensure that programmes are compliant with national training standards and to be able to investigate any areas of concern and resolve any issues with training programmes.
The quality management framework sets out a process to enable us to investigate concerns via a staged process (the targeted process) which allows local Faculty Teams to feedback to us on initial concerns and evidence improvement or, if concerns are or become more serious, for us to visit departments and interview both trainers and trainees as well as senior staff to gain further feedback and work with departments on an action plan to resolve concerns with continued monitoring.
As well as identifying and managing training concerns we also work to ensure that there are appropriate systems and governance arrangements in place to support the delivery of high quality training. We do this through annual commissioning visits to local education providers to facilitate strategic discussion around the number of training posts in place and to consider the educational environment.
Annual training programme reporting (ASR) process, facilitated by the Quality Unit, which requires all specialties to submit an annual self-assessment report against regulator standards. Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) then feeds back to specialties in order to enhance governance arrangements with training programmes and share best practice.