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What is the new NHS Wales & Social Care Wellbeing Conversation guide? 

The Wellbeing Conversation Guide is an online tool for the NHS and Social Care workforce and has been developed in partnership between NHS employers, Social Care Wales, trade union partners and Welsh Government.  

It has been developed to help support wellbeing conversations in the workplace and identify support needs when appropriate. Although this tool may help support good mental health as part of a better experience of work, it does not focus on this factor specifically.           

The online guide is a semi-structured set of questions about the experience of work and can be used flexibly according to the situation. 

When will the NHS Wales and social care wellbeing conversation guide be available and who can use it? 

The Wellbeing Conversation Guide is available on ESR for NHS Wales staff or Learning@Wales for Social Care staff from November 24 2021.  

Who should use the Wellbeing Conversation Guide? 

Anyone can access the Wellbeing Conversation Guide. Managers may decide to use it to have conversations with their staff members, or individual staff members can use it to have a think about their own wellbeing needs. Some staff groups may decide to use it to have a collaborative conversation.  

What is a Wellbeing Conversation?  

We know that work can have an important positive impact on our wellbeing and can give us structure, make us feel more connected and give us a sense of meaning, identity and achievement. However, work can also have a negative effect on our wellbeing which may not be so obvious. There are few tools that focus on the psychological and social factors for wellbeing at work. This guide is intended to be used as a starting point to discuss these wellbeing factors and lead to more planned conversations, actions or signposting to useful resources. 

Why should I have a Wellbeing Conversation?  

There is evidence to demonstrate the importance of pro-actively talking openly and honestly with each other about our own and each other’s individual wellbeing needs. It may be a different kind of conversation and may not be possible to resolve everything raised immediately but taking the time to have a proper conversation can at least, acknowledge important issues, and start the ball rolling to find solutions.  

What happens after the Guide is used?  

You are encouraged to agree a set of actions with the person or group you are having the conversation with, and will be asked to complete a short evaluation that will help the ongoing development of this guide. 

Accessing via Learning@Wales


This is the URL

Once logged in select either the Welsh or English version of the guide and work your way through.

Need assistance?  Live chat is available on the platform (bottom right of the screen), or call the elearning helpdesk 01443 848636 or email



Accessing via Electronic Staff Record (ESR)

1. Login to employee self service

2. Select Learning Homepage

3. On this page go to this free text box

4. For the English version search with ‘well-being conversation guide’, then Go

For the Welsh version search with ‘Cyfieithu'r Adnodd Sgwrs am Lesiant’

5. The Guide title will be displayed, now click enrol

6. The Guide will now be listed, click the play button on the right hand side:

7. Work your way through and once completed your status will be updated:

Click below to view:-

Welsh Government Written Statement: Wellbeing Conversation Guide