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Low vision care

Patients with low vision often face significant challenges, including an increased risk of depression and falls. Comprehensive support and routine screening for these risks are crucial to improving overall patient wellbeing.

To support your ability to offer effective low vision care across Wales we offer:
  • Funding specialised university training modules for optometrists and dispensing opticians
  • Hosting additional training modules on Y Ty Dysgu, our e-learning platform, such as:
    • Falls prevention
    • Peli lenses for visual field enhancement
    • Depression screening and support
    • Other essential areas in low vision care


Accessing this support will give you:
  • Specialist CPD opportunities: CPD sessions are offered on a range of topics, including advanced clinical techniques, patient communication, and referral management.
  • Peer support and mentoring: Practitioners can join peer groups and mentoring schemes to share experiences, gain insights, and build confidence in managing complex cases.

the Low Vision Service Wales (LVSW) has been pivotal in providing high-quality care to individuals living with sight loss.


How to access support

Practitioners interested in enhancing their low vision care skills can: