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A summary of the National Findings Report for the NHS Wales Staff Survey 2023 is available.

We are grateful to have heard from over 22,500 colleagues from across NHS Wales.

This is the first year, of our (now) annual survey because we understand our people are the heartbeat of NHS Wales and their experiences, insights and feedback will help us to continually improve, year on year.

When staff are happy and thriving in their work environments, they will treat one another kindly and give compassionate care to our patients and service users, helping us create a healthier Wales.

NHS Organisations have their local results and are working through key themes from their results. As this is the first year of this survey, we have drawn comparison to NHS England results. However, going forward, due to a consistent question set, we will be able to compare 2023 results to 2024 after the next survey round.

Thank you to everyone who took time to complete the survey and also to those who supported mobilising the survey in their organisation. We appreciate your support and ask you to kindly support the next round of the survey.

We look forward to continually improving our NHS Wales, together.