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A five-year Research and Innovation Strategy for Healthcare Science Professionals in Wales

Have your say on the development of the Healthcare Science Research and Innovation Strategy.

This consultation is live from Monday 15 July until Sunday 25 August 2024 (6 weeks).


The strategy aims to serve all professions within Healthcare Science, helping to build our capacity to undertake and lead in research and innovation. This consultation provides an opportunity for you to have your say and share your thoughts on the document before its publication.

How to get involved

To have your say, you can get involved in one of the following ways:

  • complete this questionnaire 
  • attend one of our in-person or virtual events (see table below).

25 July 2024





Conversation Café – online event


29 July 2024





Conversation Café - online event

5 August 2024



In-person event (AM)

In-person event (PM)

Conwy Business Centre, LL31 9XX

12 August 2024


In-person event

The Chapel, Singleton Hospital, Sketty Lane, Swansea SA2 8QA

19 August 2024


In-person event

Grange University Hospital, NP44 8YN


To register to attend one of the above events, click on the links in the second column of the table above or contact



In line with Welsh Government’s ‘A Healthier Wales’, this five-year strategy for research and innovation sets out our vision, current landscape and recommendations, specific to the Healthcare Science workforce. This document has been under development for the past 8 months, with working drafts shared with the Healthcare Science Programme Board, Healthcare Science Network, Healthcare Science Research and Innovation Group (RIG), with Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW).

To ensure this strategy fulfils its intended purpose, serving the whole Healthcare Science workforce across Wales, it is now being released for a professional consultation period. Feedback, regardless of experience level, is welcome from all Healthcare Science professionals and those from outside these professionals, working alongside us.