The Less Than Full Time application window opened on the 1 February until the 28 February 2025.
If you are a dentist or doctor in training and are interested in changing your hours of work between August 2025 and January 2026 please visit the HEIW website to find out more and to complete the digital application form.
In our commitment to supporting flexible training HEIW Secondary Care have recently appointed a Flexible Training Lead, Dr Gemma Phillips. Her role will be to work with Resident Doctors and key stakeholders to ensure that future developments and considerations around flexible training are deliverable, appropriately considered in future workforce planning requirements and meet the needs of the service and patients.
Already Gemma has engaged with LTFT Leads and Forums across the UK and has successfully set up a new LTFT Forum in Wales with representation from Resident Doctors, Health Boards, NWSSP and HEIW.
Gemma Said “Flexible training is key to our workforce wellbeing and career longevity. Having benefited from less than full time training (LTFT) in my own career I am passionate about raising the LTFT profile within Wales, supporting our resident doctors and ensuring that we continue to deliver excellence and flexibility in our post-graduate programmes”.
For more information please see: https://heiw.nhs.wales/support/ltft/application-forms/