Published 12 June 2024
Dr Sarah Bant of Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) has received the coveted Academy for Healthcare Science Chair’s Award.
The award recognises Dr Bant’s dedication to the healthcare science profession and her work as Associate Director of Workforce Transformation, Healthcare Science at HEIW.
Sarah works to ensure that patients receive high quality care from healthcare science services across NHS Wales through service transformation projects and career development initiatives. She also actively promotes careers in healthcare science, highlighting the essential skills and knowledge that healthcare science professionals bring to the wider, multiprofessional healthcare team.
Dr Sarah Bant said “I’m honoured to receive this award from the Academy for Healthcare Science, alongside NHS Wales colleagues receiving their honorary fellowships. It was fantastic to see NHS Wales valued in such numbers at such a prestigious occasion.”
The award was presented to Sarah at an Honorary Fellowship event at the end of May, hosted by the Academy for Healthcare Science to recognise the work, vision, support and input of individuals supporting the development and growth of the Academy and the wider healthcare science profession.
NHS Wales was widely represented at the event, with the following individuals receiving honorary fellowships from the Academy: