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HEIW's Chrissy Love receives education honorary fellowship award

Chrissy Love, Head of Post Graduate Education Commissioning at Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW), has received an Education Honorary Fellowship from the Academy of Healthcare Science.

The Fellowship was awarded in recognition of Chrissy’s excellent contributions to the Education and Training of Healthcare Scientists across the UK through national scientific training schemes.

In her role at HEIW, Chrissy helps to ensure that health organisations in Wales have the education and training resources they need to develop their workforce. Led by Chrissy, the training and education provision helps to ensure that there are suitable progression routes for specialist areas of the healthcare workforce, which in turn supports staff development and retention across NHS Wales.

Martin Riley, Deputy Director of Education Commissioning and Quality at HEIW, congratulated Chrissy:

“Chrissy is respected throughout the Health Boards and NHS Trusts.  A qualified nurse, Chrissy has also developed a deep understanding of allied health professions and healthcare sciences.  Ultimately, she makes a difference to colleagues' ability to further develop services and ensures sustainable succession planning, all of which improves the outcomes and experience of our patients.”

Andy Irwin, Director or Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering at Swansea Bay University Health Board said:

“Chrissy has been instrumental in supporting the development of training in Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering. Thanks to her work in this area, there are now Scientist Training Programme (STP) trainees in all of our specialisms in Wales. Congratulations Chrissy for this well-deserved award.”

Dave Tyler, Head of Cardio-Pulmonary Diagnostics at Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board added:

 “Congratulations on this well-deserved award Chrissy. On behalf of Cardiac, Respiratory and Sleep Sciences in Wales, I would like to take the opportunity to pass on our thanks for setting up and driving the training programme for Healthcare Scientists in Wales. This has had such a positive impact for our profession, not only in developing our Scientist workforce and the opportunities this brings for team development but ultimately the improvements this makes to the services we are able to develop and provide to our patients.”

John Geen, Clinical Lead in Clinical Biochemistry Service and Point of Care Testing Service at Cwm Tag Morgannwg University Health Board also congratulated Chrissy:

“Chrissy has been a fantastic advocate for healthcare science education and training in Wales. Her support and enthusiasm has been essential in progressing career opportunities for Healthcare Scientists. The awarding of the Education Honorary Fellowship by the Academy of Healthcare Science is richly deserved and reflects the gratitude of the Healthcare Science community in Wales, and beyond.”


Published 13 July 2023