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When will the survey be launched? 
The General Medical Council (GMC) will start the launch of the survey on Tuesday 21 March 2023. The survey will be open for six weeks, and will close on Thursday 4 May 2023. The principle aim is to measure your perception of the quality of training you receive.

How will trainees be contacted? 
Trainees will need to log in to the GMC Online account

The trainee survey can then be accessed by clicking on the ‘My Surveys’ tab. The first page of the survey form will be pre-populated with the trainee’s post details and trainees will only need to confirm if they are correct or amend if necessary. 

Which trainees are required to complete the survey? 
The survey is relevant to Foundation, Core and Higher Specialty trainees including Specialty Registrar (SpR) and GP trainees. The only exceptions to this are SpRs/StRs who have been awarded their CCT but are awaiting a consultant post, dentists, non-medical public health trainees, doctors who are not in training posts e.g locum appointment for service and trust grade doctors and Medical Training Initiative (MTI) trainees. Trainee populations who will not be surveyed but information will be collected about are trainees who are on maternity leave as of 21 March 2023 or are out of programme trainees, outside of the UK, out of programme research, out of programme clinical experience, or out of programme career break. 

How will meaningful results be obtained? 
Prior to the launch of the survey we will be working with specialties and locations to heighten awareness. During the survey, the Quality Unit will be monitoring the response rate and working with the specialty leads and Postgraduate Centres to remind non respondents about the survey. Any queries regarding the survey should be directed to HEIW trainee survey

When will the results be available? 
The GMC has advised that the results will be publicly available in summer 2023 (final date TBC). HEIW will circulate further information regarding the results as it becomes available. 

Your views 
If you have any suggestions on how we can work together to improve our response rate or have any other queries about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact us. This is a rare opportunity to influence training by giving the GMC your views on the standard of medical education and training within Wales. responses will be treated as confidential and reported anonymously. 

More Information 
If you would like to find out more information on the forthcoming survey please contact: