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You may be surprised to learn just how varied a nursing career can be.

Even before you register as a newly qualified nurse you have the option of choosing one out of four strands of nursing.

In case you missed it in our previous blogs, the four strands of nursing are adult, children’s, learning disability nursing and mental health.

On completion of a three-year nursing degree, you can progress to all sorts of varied nursing roles.

A nursing career doesn’t have to be a case of remaining on just one hospital ward all your life. In fact, you may choose not to work in a hospital ward at all. Many nursing jobs are based out in the community, as a district nurse or in general practice.

Other settings you may find yourself in can include an accident and emergency departments, a neonatal ward, a mental health facility, an operating theatre, a prison, or in occupational health.

There is great demand for nurses in Wales in many specialities, and you will find there’s never a dull moment.

You may wish to seek career progression in the form of more managerial roles, or crossover roles, such as adolescent mental health.

With the continuing professional development opportunities available to you once qualified, you can gain all the knowledge, skills and experience to take you anywhere you want to go.

Also, as you take on more responsibility, and improve on your performance as a nurse over the years, you will be compensated in your pay packet accordingly.

Nursing isn’t merely a job, but a career.  Wales has a lot to offer current and prospective nurses who are looking for a rich and rewarding career.

If you haven’t already, read our previous article “What it takes to be a nurse” to help you decide if nursing would suit you. If you decide you are interested in nursing, simply head over to Get into nursing which houses everything you need to know to get started.