Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) is consulting on the first continuing professional development (CPD) strategy for NHS Wales.
You are invited to view the HEIW CPD strategy and complete this consultation questionnaire.
The commitment to providing high-quality care is the first NHS Wales core value, and enabling our workforce to demonstrate this value requires a culture of continuous learning, improvement and growth - CPD should be at the heart of our organisations’ culture, to give employees the opportunities they need to learn and grow, and for services to deliver high quality health and care.
The strategy sets out the vision, ambition, and high-level principles for excellence in CPD. The evidence used to support the strategy will enable a shift from traditional methods to more modernised approaches to CPD development and delivery resulting in the advancement of more mature learning cultures within organisations.
This consultation will run for 4 weeks. It will close at the end of 10/05/2024