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Intra deanery transfers

Itinerary and two markers

The intra deanery transfers (IDT) process is in place to support GP trainees who have had an unforeseen, significant and permanent change in circumstances since commencing their current training programme in Wales.

An unforeseen, significant, permanent change in circumstances should relate to:

  • Personal disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010 or
  • Caring responsibilities or
  • Parental responsibilities or
  • A committed relationship

It should be recognised that IDTs are not an entitlement. They will depend on compliance with the eligibility criteria and evidence requirements, and there being vacancies on the scheme (or schemes) into which trainees are applying to move.

Before applying:

The application window for an August 2025 transfer will open on the 3 February 2025 and close on the 3 March 2025.

The application window for a February 2026 transfer will open on the 4 August 2025 and close on the 1 September 2025.

Trainees must discuss alternative support arrangements with their Programme Directors before applying for an IDT. Having fully considered the alternatives, trainees will be able to apply.

Trainees must demonstrate that a significant and permanent change to personal circumstances has occurred, as noted above, that could not have been foreseen at the time of commencing their current training programme in Wales.

Changes to personal circumstances must have occurred before making an application and applications cannot be based on expected or anticipated future events.

Criteria for a change in circumstances

Criterion 1 – The trainee has developed a disability as defined by the Equality Act 2010 for which treatment is an absolute requirement and where the treatment, care or social requirements can only be carried out in the geographical area the trainee has applied to transfer to, as confirmed by a report from their Occupational Health Physician, GP or their medical specialist.

Criterion 2 – The trainee is the primary carer for someone who is disabled as defined by the Equality Act 2010, expected to be a partner, sibling, parent or child, and these responsibilities have changed permanently and significantly, resulting in the need to move location, since the commencement of the GP training programme in Wales.

Criterion 3 – The trainee is a parent or legal guardian of a child (or children) under the age of 18 who reside primarily with them, and for whom they have had a significant and permanent change in caring responsibilities, resulting in the need to transfer.

Criterion 4 – The trainee has had a significant and permanent change in personal circumstances due to a committed relationship that could not have been foreseen at the time of appointment to the current GP training programme in Wales, resulting in the need to transfer.


  1. Trainee must have experienced a significant and permanent change in their circumstances relating to one of the four criteria listed above after commencement of their GP training programme in Wales.
  2. Trainees should have been on their current training programme in Wales for at least 12 months at the date of proposed transfer.
  3. IDT requests will be subject to the trainee receiving a satisfactory ARCP Outcome 1.
  4. Trainees should also confirm they have no unresolved cause for concern which may have been highlighted via the ARCP of local processes.
  5. In order to be eligible to apply for a transfer, trainees must supply the mandatory evidence to support their application as outlined in the supporting documents section below

Supporting documents

Trainees applying for an IDT will need to complete the application form, stating clearly the significant and unforeseen permanent change in circumstances that has taken place since they started training.

Trainees will also be required to submit evidence supporting their application before the application deadline (full details below).

All trainees are required to submit a copy of their most recent ARCP outcome form.

Depending on the criterion under which a trainee is applying, further supporting documents are also required as mandatory pieces of evidence. Please see below for a list of the documents required for each criterion.

Evidence to support criterion 1 – 'supporting document A'

Supporting document A can be found in the files section and must be submitted along with an IDT application made under Criterion One (Own Disability). It will not be possible to accept alternative documents in place of 'supporting document A'.

Supporting document A must be completed by the trainee and by an Occupational Health Physician, GP or medical specialist, who will be required to:

  • confirm that the trainee has a disability according to the Equality Act 2010
  • describe the nature of the ongoing treatment and frequency of the follow up required
  • state why the reasonable adjustment of a transfer needs to be made and how a move would support the trainee in their change of circumstances.

All sections of Supporting Document A must be completed.

Evidence to support criterion 2 – 'supporting document B'

Supporting document B can be found in the files section and must be submitted along with an IDT application made under Criterion Two (Primary Carer Responsibilities). It will not be possible to accept alternative documents in place of 'supporting document B'.

Supporting document B must be completed by the trainee and by the General Practitioner or Social Worker of the person being cared for by the trainee and will consist of:

  • a statement confirming the trainee's role as primary carer for the person being cared for.
  • a care plan for the person being cared for.

All sections of Supporting Document B must be completed.

Evidence to support criterion 3 – 'supporting document C'

Supporting document C can be found in the files section and must be submitted along with an IDT application made under Criterion Three (Parental/Guardian Responsibility). It will not be possible to accept alternative documents in place of 'supporting document C'.

Supporting document C must be completed by the trainee and also a signatory. The signatory must be the trainee's current Educational Supervisor or Training Programme Director who will confirm, to the best of their knowledge, that they are aware of the change in personal circumstances occurring. This document will not be used by Educational Supervisors or Training Programme Directors to refuse or deny a transfer request.

All sections of Supporting Document C must be completed.

Trainees applying for Criterion Three must also submit a birth certificate for each child listed on Supporting Document C.

Evidence to support criterion 4 – supporting document D

Supporting document D can be found in the files section and must be submitted along with an IDT application made under Criterion Four (Committed Relationship). It will not be possible to accept alternative documents in place of 'supporting document D'.

Supporting document D must be completed by the trainee and also a signatory. The signatory must be the trainee's current Educational Supervisor or Training Programme Director who will confirm, to the best of their knowledge, that they are aware of the change in personal circumstances occurring. This document will not be used by Educational Supervisors or Training Programme Directors to refuse or deny a transfer request.

All sections of Supporting Document D must be completed.

Trainees applying for criterion 4 must also provide either a marriage certificate, civil partnership certificate or two examples of shared financial responsibility (such as joint mortgage or tenancy agreement or joint utility bills).

Completing your IDT application

After you have read these guidance notes and completed the application form and the supporting document, you should send these to the following address: IDT Administrator, HEIW, GP Section, Ty Dysgu, Cefn Coed, Nantgarw, Cardiff, CF15 7QQ

Once your application has been received, it will be acknowledged via email. You will be informed of the decision on your application via email within one week of the GP Training Executive meeting at the end of September/March.

Any intra deanery transfer offer is non-negotiable. If you choose to decline your offer, you will need to re-apply for an intra deanery transfer during the next available window. You will have 48 hours in which to accept or decline any intra deanery transfer offer.
