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On acceptance of your offer of a GP Training place in Wales, we will send you relevant information.

For any queries please email

The lead employer for all GP trainees in Wales is NHS Wales Shared Services. For all employment queries please email

Marker on top of a map
Inter deanery transfers

Support for medical trainees who've had unforeseen, significant change in personal circumstances since starting their current training.

Itinerary and two markers
Intra deanery transfers

Support for GP trainees who've had an unforeseen, significant and permanent change in circumstances since commencing their training.

Less than full time training (LTFT)

Less Than Full Time (LTFT) training is a scheme whereby eligible trainee doctors and dentists of all grades are able to work on a part time basis when full-time work is impossible or unreasonable rather than having to give up work.

DNA spiral
Out of programme

Applying for Out of programme (OOP) Experience for GP Trainees in Wales

Welcome to Wales Programme for International Medical Graduates

This event recognises the cultural challenges and transition doctors need to make coming to work in the NHS in the UK and in particular coming into GP in Wales for the first time.