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Digital capability framework

The Digital Capability Framework (DCF) and interactive self-evaluation tool allows you to: 

  • identify the skills, attitudes and behaviours of digital capability  
  • self-evaluate your level of digital capability and identify areas for development  
  • further your learning with a wide range of resources 
  • evidence your learning and progression 

By completing the DCF you will benefit from: 

  • unlimited access to a growing library of resources to further your digital skills 
  • improving digital capability and skills, to work more effectively and efficiently whilst continuing to contribute towards high quality patient care 
  • using it as part of your professional revalidation/re-registration process 
  • using it as part of your continuing professional development (CPD) process 
How to access the DCF

The framework is available on Y Ty Dysgu, our national learning platform.

To access it, please create an account. It may take 24 hours for your account to go live. And once you create an account, you will be automatically enrolled onto the digital capability framework course. 

NHS Wales staff will benefit from single sign on (SSO) functionality, once registered.

Understanding the Digital Capability Framework: Learning and Leadership
Understanding the Digital Capability Framework: Working with others