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New support to help NHS staff thrive in a digital world

Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) has launched its Digital Capability Framework for Healthcare in Wales.

The framework is a practical, interactive tool which aims to help healthcare staff embrace digital technology and give them the confidence and skills to adapt to new and improved ways of working.

Digital capability is about more than building a digitally ready workforce, it’s about understanding the impact of digital advances in medicine and utilising it to improve patient care too.

From AI to precision medicine, digital technology is transforming healthcare and ultimately, it’s enabling a more sustainable NHS.

As part of this framework, healthcare staff across Wales have the opportunity to assess their digital capabilities using a free interactive tool.

This outlines skills, competencies and behaviours required to thrive in a digitised environment. It will also give staff the chance to assess their individual capability and identify pathways to  help them develop their digital knowledge and skills.

To access the Digital Capability Framework, healthcare staff will need to sign up for a free account on Y Ty Dysgu here.


Published date 18 August 2023