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International Nurses Day 2024

On International Nurses Day, Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) proudly celebrate the diverse roles and skills, the expert care and incredible achievements and contributions of nurses in Wales and a far.  

This year’s theme is ‘the economic power of care’. Nurses from HEIW share their thoughts on what this means to them…


Lisa Llewelyn
Director of Nurse & Health Professional Education Executive Office

"On International Nurses Day, we are shining the light on the profound economic power of compassionate care giving. And how the dedication of nurses greatly supports healthcare systems and generates substantial economic value. Nurses play a pivotal and valuable role in driving economic growth through their provision of vital healthcare services, improving patient outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, contributing to public health, enhancing workforce productivity, and the profound impact on the overall well-being of our communities here in Wales and worldwide."

Emma Davies
Professional Standards and Regulation Manager  Nurse and Health Professional Education

"I believe that by investing in the current and future nursing workforce of Wales we are investing in all the communities across the country, the overall wellbeing of our society and ultimately a more sustainable and brighter economic future."

Jaimee Baines
Clinical Lead for Nursing, Primary and Community Care Medical

"Financial investment is not the key component to economic power of care but appreciating and valuing the true meaning of the nurse and the powers we possess as profession, can totally transform care both clinically and economically for everyone."

Patricia Mathias-Lloyd
Education Development Manager  Nurse and Health Professional Education

"Florence Nightingale was considered a saint by many for raising the standards of nursing, educating caregivers, and changing the perspective of how nurses were viewed in the healthcare profession. The economic power of care means that we need investment to continue valuing her work. Nursing is not just a job, it is more."

Emma Roberts
Regional Practice Education Facilitator - Primary Care  Nurse And Health Professional Education

"For me, the economic power of care entails recognising the significant role played by the nursing workforce, in enhancing societal well-being and ensuring economic stability. This acknowledgment extends beyond mere treatment provision, encompassing the vital functions of compassion, nurturing human development, promoting social unity, and contributing to sustainable progress."

Phedra Dodds
Programme Manager Endoscopy  Nurse And Health Professional Education

"Nursing has evolved and changed through time and is best shaped by those working in the profession and from those impacted by the activities of its practitioners. Investment within nursing means more numbers, but also a recognition of new ways of doing things and the development of life-long exciting and enticing careers."

Nicola Lewis
Nursing Workforce Design and Development Manager Strategic Nursing Workforce Plan Nurse and Health Professional Education

"The economic power of care can be an opportunity to reshape the perception of nursing for the future."

Christopher Williams
Advanced and Consultant Practice Development Manager  Nurse and Health Professional Education

"We all have the ability to care, but we will only see the full power of caring if nurses are invested in through training, education and reward. This investment will see great returns through health promotion, treatment, and job satisfaction."

Gail Harries-Huntley
Associate Director for Workforce Transformation Nursing and Midwifery Nurse and Health Professional Education

"Quality nursing care is not a luxury, but rather an essential component of effective healthcare delivery and a cornerstone of economic productivity."

Ellen Edwards
Digital Transformation Research And Engagement Lead Digital and Data

"Nursing is more than just face to face care in hospitals. Nurses bring their skills to many different industries including education, enterprise and business. Acknowledging the economic power of care, involves understanding and valuing the essential role that nursing and caregiving play, not only in maintaining the health and well-being of individuals but also in driving economic development and prosperity at both individual and societal levels."

Rachel James
Clinical Leadership Training Fellow  Workforce and OD

"The value of the nursing workforce is not in how many IV medications you administer or how quickly everyone is washed and dressed. We cry with our patients and stand firm as their advocates because we care, to me this is the unseen economic value of care."

Simon Cassidy
Head of Placement Experience and Improvement Nurse and Health Professional Education

"Entering the nursing profession from the start of the journey as a student nurse, through to registration and beyond offers so many windows of learning for inspirational personal and professional development. Equally, how we commission effective, quality-driven nursing programmes is vital not only for a sustainable nursing workforce, but to ensure those future registrants are equipped with the necessary understanding to meet the anticipated needs of the populations they will serve. This is Our Nurses. Our Future."

Diane Powles
Strategic Education Advisor Nurse and Health Professional Education

"The Economic Power of Care “To capitalise the benefits of care for all is to invest in care”.  Nurses are pivotal to improving the health and lives of our nation."

Hollie Power
Regional Practice Education Facilitator - Primary Care Nurse and Health Professional Education

"For me, the economic power of care embodies the invaluable role that compassionate and supportive caregiving plays in nurturing individuals, strengthening communities, and fostering a sense of interconnectedness. Investing in caregiving enhances individual welfare and promotes sustainable economic growth through a healthier society."

Matthew Brayford
Mental Health Leadership & Succession Programme Manager Workforce and OD

"Mental health nurses are crucial to patient safety in mental health services. Mental health nurses spend valuable time with patients, gaining insight into the intricacies of the people’s thoughts and mood through forming a connection. When mental health nurses are under resourced, they become rushed and stretched. Important time with service users can decrease in length and quality. Important cues can be missed. People can feel as though nurses don’t have time for them. People who are suffering feel less able to open-up about how they feel. Important things can go unsaid.

Ultimately, when mental health nurses do not have the time or mental capacity to connect to service users, the people who need them most are put at increased risk of psychological and physical harm, including increased risk of suicide. The ‘economic power of care’ is about much more than money. It’s about people’s lives. It’s about having the time and ability to connect with those who really need it!"

Hilary Ryan
Urgent Primary Care Clinical Lead Medical

"A healthier population drives a more productive and positive society.  Prioritising health for all enables opportunity and optimises contribution within our communities."

Rebecca Boore
Design and Development Manager Strategic Perinatal Workforce Plan Nurse and Health Professional Education

"Nurses play a key role in population health and wellbeing, through work around public health, ill health prevention and health promotion. Improving the health of individuals and the population is key to addressing inequalities and improving and embedding sustainable changes to the overall health and wellbeing of people. Nurses actively pursue sustainable development goals that promote everyone’s right to a healthy life!"

Jodie Hill
Specialty Community Public Health Nurse  Nurse and Health Professional Education

"Care giving needs time, respect and funding."

Marie Button
Programme Manager Education SCPHN - Nurse and Health Professional Education

"There is substantial value in the role of the nurse in caring for and supporting individuals, families and communities to prevent ill health. The role must be attractive in terms of salary, benefits and work life balance to attract a high calibre of caring and professional individuals to meet the increasingly complex needs of society.

Strategic investment will ensure nurses get the recognition, resources and respect they deserve and vitally make the profession highly attractive once more."