Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) works in partnership with Agored Cymru to develop, deliver and asses qualifications for NHS Wales. The partnership is thriving with a recent win for ‘Employer relationship of the year’ at the Fab 2024 Awards.
In line with HEIW’s vision “to develop a skilled and sustainable workforce that improves care and population health”, HEIW continually works to deliver improvements in healthcare training and qualifications across Wales.
Medicines management
HEIW is delighted with the significant uptake of the newly updated Medicines Administration Training. The programme, now accessible via Y Ty Dysgu, supports healthcare professionals across NHS Wales in advancing their medicines management skills.
The updated training has attracted significant interest, with 626 learners registered and 426 successfully completing the programme to date. This widespread participation lays a strong foundation for further learning opportunities in the field.
New updates have been added to apprenticeship frameworks which include the addition of health-based qualifications. This is a fantastic step forward as it helps encourage staff development, in line with service needs.
The new qualifications include:
HEIW encourages professionals interested in shaping future qualifications to join task and finish review groups or accreditation development groups. Interested individuals can contact the HEIW Work Based Learning Apprenticeships team for more information.
New all-Wales delivery initiative
HEIW has helped the National Imaging Academy for Wales (NIAW) with approaches to quality assurance in starting up as a recognised Agored Cymru Centre to delivery and assess accredited qualifications for Wales.
The new initiatives delivered by the NIAW are:
All-Wales level 3 canulation training commenced October 2024.