Nurse workplace resilience: A top priority Judith Benbow Nurse resilience and wellbeing is a top priority for the workforce and workplace (Benbow et al 2024). Resilience is a capacity that can help nurses manage occupational stressors, built from exposure to occupational adversity (Benbow 2022). Understanding the role of positive workplace factors (Resources, Education and Support) are key to its enablement, underpinned by strong supportive relationships. This interactive session will explore the meaning of resilience to you, an opportunity for you to reflect on your personal and workplace resources to promote your own resilience, and who you work with, for the benefit of all. |
Opportunities Don't Happen, You Create Them Bianca Oakley and Sian Lewis Bianca and Sian of Hywel Dda UHB identified areas to improve historic ways of working, staff development, morale and training opportunities which had led to poor staff recruitment and retention. They identified significant barriers within their team and took a bold, transformative approach to overcome them. Operating with the motto "opportunities don't happen you create them," they challenged traditional practices by emphasising team members' strengths, personalities, and development, they have built a high-performing team that has demonstrated measurable success. The result is a sought-after team with no recruitment or retention issues and a proven model of excellence in patient care. |
Advanced & Consultant Level Nursing: Challenging traditional boundaries of practice and driving innovative care. Nia Boughton and Lucie Parrie How can we recognise and articulate our unique skills and attributes as Nurses when progressing advanced and consultant career pathways and avoid the trap of overt medicalisation? |
Compassionate Leadership Pledge Chris Ramshaw and Dena Jones Are you a compassionate leader? Explore compassionate leadership with Dena Jones and Chris Ramshaw: Discuss the core elements of compassionate leadership Discover the NHS Wales compassionate leadership self-assessment tool The opportunity to sign up to the NHS Wales Compassionate Leadership Pledge |
Stay conversations in action: retaining and supporting nurses in NHS Wales Zoe Gibson and Julia Williams, Local Retention Lead, Powys Teaching Health Board Retention of nursing staff is a critical priority for NHS Wales and Stay Conversations have emerged as a powerful tool in fostering engagement, job satisfaction, and long-term commitment. This interactive workshop will explore the impact of Stay Conversations in supporting and retaining nurses, sharing insights and practical approaches from across NHS Wales. Participants will gain an understanding of how Stay Conversations help to proactively address concerns, enhance workplace culture, and strengthen staff morale. This session is designed for those looking to develop retention-focused strategies that create a positive and supportive work environment. Join us to explore how Stay Conversations can drive meaningful change and contribute to a resilient, engaged nursing workforce in NHS Wales. |
Healthcare Connect Claire Hall and Cara Thomas The RCN Wales Healthcare Connect Programme is a 6-month work-based learning qualification that has been collaboratively developed by Health Education and Improvement Wales, Royal College of Nursing Wales, University of South Wales, Cardiff and Vale College and Coleg Gwent. It is designed for those who wish to study a degree level programme in nursing or midwifery, who either did not gain the full entry requirements or feel they would benefit from further experience before they enrol on their degree. The purpose of this vocational qualification is to develop the trainee’s knowledge, understanding and skills of nursing/midwifery whilst working as a Healthcare Support Worker (HCSW). Working alongside registered and experienced professionals in NHS Wales health boards, the trainee will develop their skills, enabling them to continue their path to becoming a registered nurse / midwife. |