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New guidance aides consultant pharmacist roles in Wales

Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) welcomes new UK guidance that builds on the existing Wales national approval process for the approval of consultant pharmacists posts.

Wales currently has 14 consultant pharmacists who lead and influence across organisational boundaries to improve patient care.  They ensure the safe use of medicines regionally and nationally. As research leaders in their field, consultant pharmacists drive innovation in health and social care practice and education across the UK and internationally.

The launch of new NHS guidance for England, Wales and Northern Ireland describes a transparent and consistent approach to post development and approval.

Margaret Allan, HEIW Pharmacy Dean, describes how a clear pathway is now emerging for the route to Consultant Pharmacist practice in Wales,

“The NHS recognises the importance of clinical leadership across the multi-disciplinary team to improve patient outcomes. Consultant Pharmacists will play their part in leading within and across organisations on the safe and rational use of medicines.”

“It will be the role of HEIW to ensure wales has a pool of pharmacists with the wide range of skills and experience ready to step into consultant pharmacists posts when they become available. To achieve this goal, our pharmacy team are currently developing flexible career pathways for pharmacists post registration, which will allow the workforce to build on existing skills whilst developing new skills.

The guidance can be found here  

